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Главная » 2009 » Август » 4 » Apollo 37zz
Qpik - надёжный хостинг
Apollo 37zz

cреди всех известных программ-проигрывателей она имеет самый скромный интерфейс, но первое впечатление о ее скромных возможностях и качестве воспроизведения звука весьма обманчивы. Программа является одной из старейших в своей области, но постоянно обновляется и все мелочи интерфейса буквально вылизаны и доведены почти до совершенства. Все основные элементы управления расположены вверху окна программы. Программа может быть преобразована в минимальный вариант, когда видна только панель управления, или свернута в трей. В этом случае управление осуществляется через правую кнопку мыши. Apollo имеет богатейшие возможности работы с плейлистами, 16-полосный эквалайзер, может воспроизводить файлы MP2, MP3, WAV, OggVorbis, FLAC и аудио-CD, но самое главное – это высочайшее качество звука. Распространяется бесплатно.


It\'s FREEWARE. Apollo started out as a MP3-player. The main purpose for creating this player was that I wanted to learn Windows coding. MP3-player seemed a nice project since I have a general interest in players (some of you might remember CapaMod). I first started the project in the summer of 1997 but I had to do my compulsory military service so Apollo was delayed one full year. Since then Apollo has become a more general purpose player. It is recognized by its outstanding MP3 decoding quality, powerful continuous playback support and advanced playlist capabilities. It supports different file formats through so called input plug-ins. Writing an input plug-ins is rather straight forward (see the plug-ins page for more info) and thus Apollo can be easily made to support new audio formats. The player routines provide continuous playback or even a crossfade between tracks on all supported formats and with all output types (standard Wave Out, DirectSound and WAV file output). It is possible to direct the output into a WAV file, thus making it possible, for instance, to decode MP3s for writing them onto a CD. The player routines also provide a realtime 16-band equalizer for all file types. Currently Apollo ships with two input plug-ins: Apollo MPEG decoder and Apollo WAV decoder. The MPEG decoder is capable of handling both MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-2.5 audio layer 2 and 3 files (i.e. MP2- and MP3-files). The decoder is capable of producing 32-bit, 24-bit, 16-bit and 8-bit data. Also Xing and Fraunhofer VBR MP3s are supported. The MPEG decoder is generally thought to be one of the best as far as sound quality is concerned (see FAQ for more information about the quality). The WAV decoder supports RIFF WAV files containing PCM or Microsoft ADPCM coded data. Both plug-ins support Internet streaming.


18 Jan 2007

672.7 KB




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